Showing posts from September, 2019

Learn Pytest for free - Step by step tutorial for beginners

Pytest is a testing framework based on Python . Python is very flexible to test any kind of services like web, database, API, cloud, etc. This tutorial gives a basic idea about pytest, write test scripts and integration with oth…

Selenium with Pytest - Validating the first test

In the previous post , you've created the first script. Let's see how we can validate a test. Please see below test case to automate it 1. Launch the 2. Make sure that testodev loaded succe…

Creating the first script using Selenium with Pytest

Selenium is one of the topmost tool used for web automation. You can download the selenium package and interact with the applications using web drivers. Selenium package available here and can be download using pip command …

Pytest - Rules and Features

In the previous post , we've learned about creating the first script using pytest framework. This post will discuss the rules and features 1. Header - All pytest script should include  import pytest at header of the scr…

Create the first script using pytest

Hope you're installed pytest package as mentioned in the post . In this post, we're going to create a sample pytest. As a first step, create a file named and copy the below code snippet to it import pyte…

pytest - Installation

This post deals with pytest installation. Please follow the below steps to install the pytest framework. We're assuming that you're using a Windows machine. Step 1 python installation: Make sure that python is instal…

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