This is testodev first tutorial. We've selected one of the leading tool in testing field, JMeter. JMeter is a popular open source performance and load testing tool. We've designed the tutorial in simple way and especially for beginners. This package contains 7 steps and try to complete it in a series manner. let us know your valuable feedback as comments.
Step 1 - JMeter installation
Step 2 - Build first test plan
Step 3 - Running first test
Step 4 - Parameterization
Step 5 - Analysis of performance report
Step 6 - Assertions in JMeter
Step 7 - Best practices in JMeter
Step 1 - JMeter installation
Step 2 - Build first test plan
Step 3 - Running first test
Step 4 - Parameterization
Step 5 - Analysis of performance report
Step 6 - Assertions in JMeter
Step 7 - Best practices in JMeter